Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tokyo Disney Face Character Auditions When Are American Auditions For Face Characters For Disneyland Tokyo Resort?

When are american auditions for face characters for Disneyland Tokyo Resort? - tokyo disney face character auditions

I'm not playing dates in Australia or the United Kingdom, the United States only. I've heard that would be twice a year, but I guess if someone can clarify. I checked the Disney website and they have nothing listed in Tokyo, what I think of spring. If more, where were they? When will the hearings for the fall? Even if you do not give an exact date would be sufficient to months. I want to know audition next year, so I have to, when you hold your eyes open. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Here is the location of all parks in the hearings all over the world, I think it might .... It seems what you want, that most of the dates in November and December .... ...

    Good luck ....
